Sunday, October 5, 2008

Sunday night and Elaine's in some pain

Dear friends Lainey has been experiencing some pain in the area of her cancer for the past 24 hours. the specialist @ Stanford told us a week ago that pain in that area is not uncommon as the chemo attacks the cancer.,however it's hard for Lainey as pain in her abdomen the past 2 times meant cancer, so you can understand her fear.I keep telling her the evidence is to the contrary, c.t. 2 weeks ago excellent progress, labwork same and doctor saying pain can be chemo working, so we'll see the doctor on Tuesday before her next chemo and hopefully the labwork will prove it's still going well. Phsycologically it can be very trying though , so please pray for Lainey to be brave and positive. Well i'll update Tuesday night, love to all , take care Keefer.

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