Wednesday, July 30, 2008

time to go on the offensive

Will update tomorrow, time to go on the offensive, Elaine to start new aggressive chemo next week , please pray for us , Keith,

Wednesday big day today

Today is a very important day , and some big decisions will need to be made. We are seeing Elaine's oncologist at 3p.m. We want to see the data that made them draw the PNET conclusion, and the resulting suggested "heavy aggressive" chemo. From what i've seen there's still room for doubt and i don't want to bring in the big guns unless absolutely necessary. We are also trying to buy some time to get more tests , second and third opinions, it's simply too important to blow this one.
Danielle and Betty will come with us for support.Please pray for us to be calm and have wisdom in our decisions, also for peace , fortitude and hope for Elaine.
I went back to work yesterday after a few weeks off to take care of Lainey, i couldn't have done it if it wasn't for the friends who visited with her nonstop from 8am till 9pm. Renee you were awesome and helped my little get going, Liz the enchiladas and your company made her feel safe and secure. Thank you Mary and Priscilla for coming and staying, so good to see you again.And then Anita who brought dinner and made it here, then cleaned the kitchen and sat and watched Gypsy Rose with us, your thoughtfulness and self sacrificing spirit are incredible.
We have Lainey sitters scheduled all week so i can work, what an incredible testimony to our faith and love, you truly are footstep followers of Christ, who see a need and pity and love cause you to stop and take care of the needy one, oh how you will receive your reward of everlasting life in paradise on earth. What a day that will be friends, don't ever give up , this world is temporary, the real life is just around the corner!
I know there are other friends to thank, but i can't think of everyone, looking forward to seeing Debbie arrive from Texas, (y'all better watch out when this Texas arrives !!!)
Thinking of Ernie and Dianne Long, Ernie had his surgery yesterday, our thoughts and prayers are with you both , we love you and look forward to a speedy recovery.
Well thats all folks , hope i have better news to report in the days and weeks ahead, in the meantime, "do not give up in doing what is fine, you will reap if you do not tire out'
never give up, this is the best way of living!!!!!
Love Keith.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday night coming to grips with it

Dear friends, it's Saturday night and Lainey and i are coming to grips with our new situation re the Pnet cancer diagnosis.We are gleaning all the info we can and setting up consultations with specialists as this is simply too important to mess up.
About today, Elaine could barley stand this morning, yet she got dressed and went to bookstudy and laid on the couch with her eyes closed just to listen to the friends voices. I was so proud of her, never forget your attendance and contribution to all meetings incite to love and fine works. She struggled emotionally with the load of it all today , we talked and cried a lot, but we will standn together as we have for the past 21 years, come what may.
Today Phylis and lilian showed up just when i needed help without me even asking.
Then art and Sylvia drove all the way from Vacaville with dinner again!! Also Valerie brought us dinner and Mary Ann came too so we had a feast and so much love and good association. Never take the congregations for granted what a huge provision and gift, illustrates the need for us all to be in the middle closest to the warm fire that burns in the heart of each congregation which is God's love.
Loved being with ernie and dianne, robert and theresa this morning, Ernie and Dianne will be sorley missed, we love you guys so much and are privileged to have come to know you better.
We received beautiful cards, e-mails and texts from friends and clients, thank you Karen and Keith McKay, Mike and Cathy Sage, Cynthia and Brad Brown,Pat Menchini, for your kind words, to have clients who care is rare and i am privileged to have come to know you and your families through my work.
Thank you Virginia, Lynette, Naomi for the cards and love.
Thank you to all the sisters who are signing up to sit with Elaine next week, and or bring meals.
To have so many friends in Oak Hills , Dublin and Dougherty Hills congrgations is a lifesaver, (now you know why i moved around so much , can you say Widen out :-0 )
seriously we are all one congregation , bound by a common love of neighbour and God, so thank you all for being the kindest people on earth, you proove you are gods people by the love you are daily showing to others.
To my clients, hopefully my scriptural comments won't offend, i rarely spoke of our beliefs when working in your homes but they are the center piece of Elaines and my life , so i simply can't express myself in these circumstances without mentioning our faith.
Lastly a huge thank you for you kind compassionate e-mail today Kevin, friends let no one doubt the love brothers like Kevin have for the flock, they are unsung and often criticised hero's as far as i'm concerned you walk on water.
And a huge thank you to my dear mum and dad, without your love and support i couldn't cope, you are awesome.
Well sorry for all i've missed to thank, my brain is toast,
in closing , exercise justice,love kindness, and be modest in walking with our God and you won't go wrong, forgive quickly and love liberally, sincerely Keith.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

new news, it's called PNET and it's going to be tough

. It was confirmed today that Elaine has a rare cancer abbreviated PNET. The treatment will be as outlined in the article,17 treatments every 3 weeks for 1 year. It is a very aggressive cancer and the treatment for it is very aggressive chemo. Week 1 will start in 2 weeks and will consist of 3 chemo ,cytoxan,adriamycin,vincristine, then 3 weeks later she will have isosfamide, etoposide, and I think 1 more that I may have forgotten to write down. As you will see from the attached article it’s going to be a rough, unpleasant and unpredictable ride. However Lainey’s initial response was a calm , “well that’s what I have trust me to have a rare “special ‘ cancer” she is digesting it and we have more info to glean from our visit to the oncologist next Wednesday, but she’s planning on doing the course and “fighting this thing until the new world arrives”. So there we have it , at least we are not in the dark now, it’s mean but we will overcome and come of victorious. Love you pray for peace, courage, strength, endurance, wisdom, insight, discernment and love, Keith.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Tuesday Chemo not so good

Dear friends, Elaine suffered a bad day yesterday. It was the double dose day, Gemzar and Carboplatin. Elaine successfully endured 6 cycles of Carboplatin last year but sometimes the body rejects it after 6 or 7 treatments. That's what happened to Elaine yesterday. She came through the first hour of Gemzar successfully then just 5 minutes after starting the Carboplatin she had a severe alergic reaction. This can be quite scary and very uncomfortable. What it means is she won't be able to do carboplatin again, they will probably try a different one instead. We also have a new development which we do not have all the information for yet. Her liver biopsy has yielded some results which may indicate that the cancer in her liver is a a different kind of cancer and not the Ovarian that we thought had spread to the liver, we are awaiting confirmation and what it means, so i'll keep you posted as appropriate. These are very trying times to say the least.

Thank you Art and Sylvia for driving all the way from Vacaville to bring us dinner last night and spend time with us, Lainey wasn't well enough to receive you but she loves you dearly, you are truly friends born for when there is distress and we will never forget your love that you showed for us.
Thank you to Renee, Christina, and Danielle, your ongoing support is invaluable.
Thank you Betty Runnels for cheering my up and giving her hope, we love you all.

Friends, there is only one way to live, serve the God of tender mercies, and love your neighbor, if we can just do this, love kindness, exercise justice and be modest in walking with our God, he will reward us with eternal peace and happiness in his paradise new earth, don't ever give up doing what is fine, we will reap if we do not tire out, love Keith and the beautiful Lainey.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday 21 chemo week #2

It's Monday and i want to say some thank you's.
Thank you mum and dad for your constant love and support
Thank you John and Georgia and Carol for the delicious dinner and for sitting with Lainey last night.
Thank you Theresa and Renee for coming over today and cleaning our house , what love!!
Thank you Art and Syl, for the beautiful e-mail and for volunteering to come tomorrow on lainey's chemo day.
Thank you Debbie Paseur for volunteering to come all the way from Texas to take care of my .
Thank you Danielle, you daily love and support is priceless
The problem with thank you's is there are too many to remember, so thank you everyone for all your love.
Today we go back to the doctors :(
tomorrow is big chemo #2 carbo and Gemzar, by Thursday lainey will feel like she's been hit by a truck, please keep coming to see us/her we need all your love.
You truly are the real 'Gifts in men and women" Compassion is mercy in action , and your compassion shows you truly get it and in Jehovah's eyes you are truly precious.
We love you all and all the other dear friends who are helping us. Keith and the mighty Lainey!

If you want to help in any way re dinners/association please call Renee @ 925 719 5523

Saturday, July 19, 2008

week 1 chemo

Hi everyone, this is Lainey's personal assistant/cabana boy, Keith , updating you all.
lainey had her first new round of Chemo on Tuesday, it's called "gemzar'. It was pretty traumatic for her to return to the "chemo infusion suite" just 5 months after completing last years cycles. She took it like a trooper, but i can tell you she was in pain the whole time. What a woman , i sit there with her the whole time and her courage under fire puts me to shame.
Thursday the symptoms kicked in, pain, nausea,fatigue, depression, sadness , fear, desperation. She was pretty bad thursday , a little better Friday. Thursday saw our house "invaded " by some of the finest sisters in the world. Thank you Lilian , Theresa, Valerie, Lisa, Danieele and of course dear faithful mum. They cooked, shopped, and supported Lainey through a rough day. Friday night we were privileged to listen in by the new phone system ( thank you brothers) to the meeting, Theresa, Christina, mum, Lainey and i listened in to a beautiful meeting, we sang, hummed, appluaded, ( brothers please speak loud and clear, sometimes it's hard to hear, Gavin was the superstar , very strong voice). the meetings are a lifeline to all of us, all congregations must consider the faothful who are cut off, not to do so is to turn our back on the needy, not exactly Christlike !!!!
Well we have an even harder week ahead, Mum goes home to England on Sunday, she has been awesome through it all , i don't know what we would have done without her, she has to take care of her own health now, we pray for her safe and speedy return.
Lainey has a double dose of chemo on Tuesday, 'gemzar and carbo" she will be clobbered by this one, so please come see us, we need all of you to help us. For this terrible disease to strike back so quickly is so cruel. My Lainey is the sweetest woman i have ever known, she saved my life, i hope i can save hers now, she will always be the love of my life. Please pray for us and love your friends , family and God. Do not hold back from doing good to others, our opportunity to do so can end in a blink of an eye. Lainey will be posting when she feels better, we love you all , Keefer and the mighty Lainey

Wednesday, July 16, 2008