Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Wednesday big day today

Today is a very important day , and some big decisions will need to be made. We are seeing Elaine's oncologist at 3p.m. We want to see the data that made them draw the PNET conclusion, and the resulting suggested "heavy aggressive" chemo. From what i've seen there's still room for doubt and i don't want to bring in the big guns unless absolutely necessary. We are also trying to buy some time to get more tests , second and third opinions, it's simply too important to blow this one.
Danielle and Betty will come with us for support.Please pray for us to be calm and have wisdom in our decisions, also for peace , fortitude and hope for Elaine.
I went back to work yesterday after a few weeks off to take care of Lainey, i couldn't have done it if it wasn't for the friends who visited with her nonstop from 8am till 9pm. Renee you were awesome and helped my little get going, Liz the enchiladas and your company made her feel safe and secure. Thank you Mary and Priscilla for coming and staying, so good to see you again.And then Anita who brought dinner and made it here, then cleaned the kitchen and sat and watched Gypsy Rose with us, your thoughtfulness and self sacrificing spirit are incredible.
We have Lainey sitters scheduled all week so i can work, what an incredible testimony to our faith and love, you truly are footstep followers of Christ, who see a need and pity and love cause you to stop and take care of the needy one, oh how you will receive your reward of everlasting life in paradise on earth. What a day that will be friends, don't ever give up , this world is temporary, the real life is just around the corner!
I know there are other friends to thank, but i can't think of everyone, looking forward to seeing Debbie arrive from Texas, (y'all better watch out when this Texas arrives !!!)
Thinking of Ernie and Dianne Long, Ernie had his surgery yesterday, our thoughts and prayers are with you both , we love you and look forward to a speedy recovery.
Well thats all folks , hope i have better news to report in the days and weeks ahead, in the meantime, "do not give up in doing what is fine, you will reap if you do not tire out'
never give up, this is the best way of living!!!!!
Love Keith.

1 comment:

Bobel said...

What a wonderful example Lainey and Keith are to us all. Lainey with her love, compassion , wisdom and unassuming charm, who throughout her trials has maintained her composure and belief, supported by a beacon of a husband Keith whose undaunting love is an inspiration. Bless you darlings for being you and what you are 'simply the best'.
And to all the marvellous brothers and sisters who have and are giving their considerable help and support, a huge thank you, you are all inspirational. Now Keith and Lainey know what treatment to expect they know that at times it will be hard and difficult, but they also know that with all the love and careing we can all give them that the journey will be worthwhile. We are so proud of Lainey and Keith love them dearly.

Bobel and Hazel XXXXX