Thursday, July 24, 2008

new news, it's called PNET and it's going to be tough

. It was confirmed today that Elaine has a rare cancer abbreviated PNET. The treatment will be as outlined in the article,17 treatments every 3 weeks for 1 year. It is a very aggressive cancer and the treatment for it is very aggressive chemo. Week 1 will start in 2 weeks and will consist of 3 chemo ,cytoxan,adriamycin,vincristine, then 3 weeks later she will have isosfamide, etoposide, and I think 1 more that I may have forgotten to write down. As you will see from the attached article it’s going to be a rough, unpleasant and unpredictable ride. However Lainey’s initial response was a calm , “well that’s what I have trust me to have a rare “special ‘ cancer” she is digesting it and we have more info to glean from our visit to the oncologist next Wednesday, but she’s planning on doing the course and “fighting this thing until the new world arrives”. So there we have it , at least we are not in the dark now, it’s mean but we will overcome and come of victorious. Love you pray for peace, courage, strength, endurance, wisdom, insight, discernment and love, Keith.


renee tolley said...

just read new update and amazed at laineys strenght!!!! i speak for us all when i say we love you both and pray for you all day!!! keep strong keith! love renee

Anonymous said...

Keith, many heartfelt thanks for the updates and spiritual and "Lainey" are in my thoughts and prayers. Can't wait to see you guys - and meet the sisters and brothers who have truly demonstrated Jehovah's love & Christ's compassion, by their kindnesses.

Deven and Lisa said...

We love you guys, we are glad Lainey is fighting!! We are praying for courage, strength and peace and the other things you mentioned in the blog. You guys will look back on this together one day and sigh a big sigh of relief that it is over.

Bobel said...

Now we know the news and its called PNET, the battle for our darling Lainey begins and we are confident that she will with her usual quiet unassuming persona and with the help and support of the Doctors,Nurses and above all family and the many friends fight to beat this scourge. Lainey is a shining example for us all and with the loving and caring support of Keith and the friends,she will battle. Stay strong sweetheart, you are treasured, cherished and loved and we will help you fight this scourge. See you soon darling.

Dad and Hazel XX

Karen said...

if anyone can do it you two can.

Karen said...

Just got your letter and wanted to let you know that we are sooo sorry this news has arrived. if anyone can get through this you two can. talk soon, Keith and Karen