Monday, July 21, 2008

Monday 21 chemo week #2

It's Monday and i want to say some thank you's.
Thank you mum and dad for your constant love and support
Thank you John and Georgia and Carol for the delicious dinner and for sitting with Lainey last night.
Thank you Theresa and Renee for coming over today and cleaning our house , what love!!
Thank you Art and Syl, for the beautiful e-mail and for volunteering to come tomorrow on lainey's chemo day.
Thank you Debbie Paseur for volunteering to come all the way from Texas to take care of my .
Thank you Danielle, you daily love and support is priceless
The problem with thank you's is there are too many to remember, so thank you everyone for all your love.
Today we go back to the doctors :(
tomorrow is big chemo #2 carbo and Gemzar, by Thursday lainey will feel like she's been hit by a truck, please keep coming to see us/her we need all your love.
You truly are the real 'Gifts in men and women" Compassion is mercy in action , and your compassion shows you truly get it and in Jehovah's eyes you are truly precious.
We love you all and all the other dear friends who are helping us. Keith and the mighty Lainey!

If you want to help in any way re dinners/association please call Renee @ 925 719 5523


cheryl@erpd said...

Just leavin' you some love today!
We will be by soon.
~cheryl p.

Adam said...

Hey Elaine,

I just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you everyday and love you very much.

As this is a blog I will try and refrain from writing any obsenities (may have spelt that wrong).

Anyways, love ya lot's and lot's...

