Saturday, July 26, 2008

Saturday night coming to grips with it

Dear friends, it's Saturday night and Lainey and i are coming to grips with our new situation re the Pnet cancer diagnosis.We are gleaning all the info we can and setting up consultations with specialists as this is simply too important to mess up.
About today, Elaine could barley stand this morning, yet she got dressed and went to bookstudy and laid on the couch with her eyes closed just to listen to the friends voices. I was so proud of her, never forget your attendance and contribution to all meetings incite to love and fine works. She struggled emotionally with the load of it all today , we talked and cried a lot, but we will standn together as we have for the past 21 years, come what may.
Today Phylis and lilian showed up just when i needed help without me even asking.
Then art and Sylvia drove all the way from Vacaville with dinner again!! Also Valerie brought us dinner and Mary Ann came too so we had a feast and so much love and good association. Never take the congregations for granted what a huge provision and gift, illustrates the need for us all to be in the middle closest to the warm fire that burns in the heart of each congregation which is God's love.
Loved being with ernie and dianne, robert and theresa this morning, Ernie and Dianne will be sorley missed, we love you guys so much and are privileged to have come to know you better.
We received beautiful cards, e-mails and texts from friends and clients, thank you Karen and Keith McKay, Mike and Cathy Sage, Cynthia and Brad Brown,Pat Menchini, for your kind words, to have clients who care is rare and i am privileged to have come to know you and your families through my work.
Thank you Virginia, Lynette, Naomi for the cards and love.
Thank you to all the sisters who are signing up to sit with Elaine next week, and or bring meals.
To have so many friends in Oak Hills , Dublin and Dougherty Hills congrgations is a lifesaver, (now you know why i moved around so much , can you say Widen out :-0 )
seriously we are all one congregation , bound by a common love of neighbour and God, so thank you all for being the kindest people on earth, you proove you are gods people by the love you are daily showing to others.
To my clients, hopefully my scriptural comments won't offend, i rarely spoke of our beliefs when working in your homes but they are the center piece of Elaines and my life , so i simply can't express myself in these circumstances without mentioning our faith.
Lastly a huge thank you for you kind compassionate e-mail today Kevin, friends let no one doubt the love brothers like Kevin have for the flock, they are unsung and often criticised hero's as far as i'm concerned you walk on water.
And a huge thank you to my dear mum and dad, without your love and support i couldn't cope, you are awesome.
Well sorry for all i've missed to thank, my brain is toast,
in closing , exercise justice,love kindness, and be modest in walking with our God and you won't go wrong, forgive quickly and love liberally, sincerely Keith.


Bobel said...

What can we say about these 2 wonderful people, Lainey with her strength and determination to fight and overcome this scourge whilsy showing her love and feelings for Keith and all the wonderful friends, and Keith a true pillar of strength expressive in his love and compassion for Lainey and for all the Brothers and Sisters who have rallied around them. Darlings, you are the greatest and we are so proud of you both and we hope our prayers will be answered, you deserve them to be. To all the wonderful friends, a huge thank you, it is our priviledge to know you and to know the tremendous help and support you are giving Lainey and Keith at this time.
Hopefully more answers will become known this week and we pray that the new course of treatment Lainey will undergo soon will help her recover and go forward.
Love you Lainey be strong and Keith look after yourself as well.
The love of England is sent right now, and look after our love ones
and friends.
Bobel and Hazel XX

ColeVale said...

Our Dear Friends,

We think this poem shows how we feel:

Drop a word of cheer and kfindness:
Just a flash and it is gone;
But there's half-a-hundred ripples
Circling on and on.
Bearing hope and joy and comfort
On each splashing, dashing wave.
Till you wouldn't believe the volume
Of the one kind word you gave.

James W. Foley

You are constantly in our prayers dear friends,

Much love,

Colin & Valerie

Anonymous said...

Personal note to Elaine: bought them tonight, along with BIG ol' box of Depends. Will be there sometime August 10th...Jenna too! Can't wait to hug you!!! My Mom said to tell the "little Mexican girl" Hello! She ask if you still run water all the time...(LOL and roll of eyes!!!) That was like 700 years ago! Some things NEVER change. Dear ol' Mom is one of them...As for the Englishman in your life, well, I watched "Christian the Lion" tonight after the bookstudy - and yes, it was very moving Keith! Thank you for sending it along to Jenna and me...However, talking with both of you this evening was the highlight of the day. Your love for Jehovah & Elaine streams through the phone lines and in the "pages" of this online diary. She is well cared for and deeply loved by all, but especially you - thank you Keith for taking care of her...I look forward to meeting all the remarkable friends whose love for both of you has "made the difference"...Love you guys "this much" (You can't "see" it - but it's a whole lot...maybe a batrillion zillion) So, prepare to laugh the Bellaire Hillbillies are coming to Call...and one more thought: no need to buy poultry or livestock for dinner, we'll bring our own and just build a Barn when we get there... :p OK, I'll behave now...Love y'all mucho. xxxxooo