Sunday, January 18, 2009


Dear friends , a huge thank you to all who attended ans wanted to attend the memorial. There were approximately 300 friends there to share their love and support, and many more who wanted to come but couldn't.
I'll write more later for the benefit of those who couldn't come, this blog is called livin with Lainey, Lainey lives on in my heart and mind and also the hearts and minds of her dear friends and family, there was a movie made of the proceedings and a slide show,let me know if you want one.Again a huge THANK YOU i couldn't have born up without you, love always, Keith

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Come celebrate her victory

Dear friends, our hearts mourn the loss of our sweet little sister Lainey. The void in my life will be immense. However, her 18 months of pain and suffering are over. Lainey fought to the end, she wanted to die "with her boots on", never giving up. Also she has conquered Satan by her loyally maintaining integrity to Jehovah till the end. Satan can destroy the body but he did not destroy her soul, she lives on in Jehovah's memory and we will see her big beautiful eyes shining brightly in the new world.
Friends i want to invite you to come and help me celebrate her life,
we are having a memorial for her at the San Ramon Community Center on the corner of Alcosta and Bolinger , this Saturday the 17th @ 4p.m. come give me a hug and share our faith ,joy and love in the face of this temporary painful loss.
Tears will fall, laughter will burst forth as we remember my little .
Ilove you all , Keith.

Friday, January 9, 2009

My baby's gone to sleep

Dear friends my baby's gone to sleep, she went to sleep at 4:50 this morning, she was peaceful , serene and beautiful. My relief is massive, she will feel no pain or fear any more. her future is secure in Jehovah's memory and he will not forget her , how could he, she is one of his precious sheep.
My door is open , lets share love, laughter and tears, we could not have dealt with this without Jehovah's power and your love, Lainey and i want to thank you all and encourage you to not give up in doing what is fine, we will reap, (like Lainey will ) If we do not tire out, We/I LOVE YOU KEITH

p.s. Lainey fell asleep with a smile on her face, the pause button has been pressed, the play button is next

Thursday, January 8, 2009

2-3 days

Dear friends, it's midnight on Wednesday, Lainey is fading fast but is peaceful.Doctor thinks she has only 2-3 days. I welcome visits with the caveat that we need to be quiet because although Lainey can't move, speak or open her eyes she can hear and understand, and her heart rate is elevated which means she's either in pain or anxious, we are medicating her for both but don't want to add to her suffering. If you come understand we must keep the groups small and talk only about good things. If things change or we have to do a procedure we will ask you to leave for lainey's privacy and welfare. I know you understand that right now it's all about caring for my baby , i need to make her final days/hours as comfortable as possible. Come to the house, knock gently and come in ,my brother Steve , or one of the friends will let you know if it's ok to come on in, pray for Lainey to have quick relief, she has suffered bravely too long. Love you all, hug , kiss and cherish your loved ones, they are gone in an instant, love you and thank you for your help and love , Keith.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

please come see me/us

Dear friends, well it has begun, the final chapter. Lainey is on her new meds. She has not really woken up all day. When she did she was incoherent. It's such a sad and tragic thing to watch happen to this beautiful person.
Selfishly, i must say i don't want to sit here day after day on my own staring at her. Would you friends please come and visit me and hang out, i can't stand the thought of being alone. Just call first so i don't have a crowd at 1 time.If you don't know my phone # e-mail me @ Love to all ,Keith.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Hospice starts tomorrow

Dear friends, things have accelerated to the point to where Elaine's doctor has ordered hospice treatment that will start tomorrow (Tuesday) ,that's all i can say right now, pray for a quick relief for Lainey and courage , fortitude and strength for me, love you all Keith.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Bad but could be worse

Dear friends, saw doctors yesterday to discuss c.t. scan. we feared they would say there was nothing else they could do, but the verdict was a marked increase again in the number and size of the metasteses in her liver. The largest of about 30 metasteses is about 8.5 c.m. it was 1.5 c.m. in September.
They have to take her off Doxil as it is doing nothing and put her on Topotecan, we are getting to the end of available choices for chemo's. She will start her new chemo next Tuesday and will have it weekly. It was her decision to keep fighting and keep doing chemo, she is incredible !!!!
So i fear time is severely reduced unless one of these last 2 chemo has an effect. The other problem is if she can continue to handle the toxicity and side effects of the .
I honestly thought i was loosing her to the inevitable liver failure last week, and she is in a lot of pain and suffering from complete loss of appetite and nausea and fatigue. If you can please call me on my cell, if you want to be a part of Lainey's final chapter i think now is the time to join in, it may be weeks, may be months, but i'd be surprised if it's longer than months unless we have a miracle turn around with the topotecan,
well there you have it, my life is surreal right now, and it is a great comfort to see and be around friends, i will desperately need you later when i find myself alone, i'm not one to be alone, can't handle it, so i'll need all my buddies to keep me from going down the tubes, that's as honest as i can be, love you all , Keith.