Thursday, January 8, 2009

2-3 days

Dear friends, it's midnight on Wednesday, Lainey is fading fast but is peaceful.Doctor thinks she has only 2-3 days. I welcome visits with the caveat that we need to be quiet because although Lainey can't move, speak or open her eyes she can hear and understand, and her heart rate is elevated which means she's either in pain or anxious, we are medicating her for both but don't want to add to her suffering. If you come understand we must keep the groups small and talk only about good things. If things change or we have to do a procedure we will ask you to leave for lainey's privacy and welfare. I know you understand that right now it's all about caring for my baby , i need to make her final days/hours as comfortable as possible. Come to the house, knock gently and come in ,my brother Steve , or one of the friends will let you know if it's ok to come on in, pray for Lainey to have quick relief, she has suffered bravely too long. Love you all, hug , kiss and cherish your loved ones, they are gone in an instant, love you and thank you for your help and love , Keith.


Kate K. said...

You can't even imagine how many of us are thinking and praying for you both. Sending our love and that of the Reno brothers and sisters!

Kate and Chris

Johnsons said...

Keith & Elaine ...

There truly are no words that I can type that say what we are feeling for you right now ~ but Im going to try ...
Please know that we have you in our constant thoughts and prayers during this horrible time.

& like Sydney (Hess) always says ... "The paradise is only 5 minutes away!"

Thank Jehovah for giving us hope ... his promise that we WILL in a short time all be together again ~ happy and healthy, all laughter and smiles ~ wow I can only imagine the celebration we will have then !!!

Love you so much ...

Tim Rebekah Johnson & the twins, Madison & Brooklynn

cheryl@erpd said...

Sending big love today.
The rest of my thoughts are in the email I sent you...

Anonymous said...

Wish I could take away all of her pain, your pain, and our pain. It is so terrible and tragic to lose someone so dear to all of us, our dear Lainey.

One more triumphant victory, though, in favor of the 'real' life ahead.


The Arnolds said...

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. You both are such wonderful examples. Love Steven, Paula, Ashley and Emily.