Monday, August 18, 2008

More good news

We saw the doctor today and got the results of last weeks tests, so these numbers are already a week old. her Ca125 dropped from 147 to just 48, 2 weeks ago it was at 333! If i drops into the 20's that's normal. This cancer marker is not the be all end all but it signifies the chemo is working, and working better and faster than they anticipated.
Here are some other number LDH (liver function) 7/21 =3720 , 7/30=1189, 8/4=454 , 8/11=190 , a decreasing number is good, Liver enzymes from 667 down to 169 in 3 weeks.

All of this is cause for hope, we are still trying to find out exactly what kind of cancer it is, at this point it is a cancer of unknown primary (CUPS) , these are difficult to cure and it's very important to identify where it started so we are sure to give it the right treatment, but by these numbers, we may have stumbled on to the right treatment. We are still pushing for a more precise diagnosis, waiting for UCSF to release it's final findings and allow us to take the pathology to Stanford for more testing.

We are pursuing a number of alternative treatments to so we may never know what is working, or if it's a combination. Our goal is to surprise the doodah (English for crap) out of the "experts," with complete remission. Lainey goes in for Gemzar treatment #5 tomorrow, please pray for her that she does not have a negative reaction.

Will keep you informed, love to all , Keith.


Deven and Lisa said...

Wow, thank you for posting we were checking back for the results. That seems really amazing, how fast the numbers are coming down. That's great, we are so glad to hear it. We will be thinking about you guys tomorrow afternoon and will pray that everything goes good with #5. Hope you get lots of rest tonight. Love and Hugs! :0)

Unknown said...

What a relief!! we are so happy to here the good news!! We are thinking of you... and constantly checking to see how you are doing.... lots of love.. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the update...what great news!! :)

jatemack said...

Wow, this is awesome Keith....very good news.