Friday, November 7, 2008

Hi blogheads

Dear friends, after receiving demands from friends for an update i am yielding to the pressure.
Here goes. Last 10 days have been a challenge. Lainey went in for chemo last week , had a temperature and increasing abdominal pain, they postponed chemo because they thought she might have gall stones or gall bladder disease. We had an ultrasound which showed nothing so we had chemo the following day. Lainey's pain increased so she took pain meds, she had a reaction to the pain med which i'm sure for her dignity she would not want me to divulge. But she was in a lot of pain and distress on Sunday through Monday of this week. We saw a different lower g.i. Dr on Monday he gave her 2 prescriptions and the fever broke and the side affects cleared up. The pain is still there and is concerning, as a result the insurance has thankfully ok'd an interim c.t. scan which will be performed a week from this Monday. So now Lainey has to deal with 10 days of fear, the first 2 c.t. scans were as a result of abdominal pain and were when we received the very bad news, so one can understand her fear. I keep reminding her that the last c.t. scan 6 weeks ago showed improvement, but that was a week before the pain returned so naturally she is anxious. So we get a scan which i want and pray it shows improvement and not regression. If it does show improvement then the pain is obviously not cancer related and we'll breath easier and try to figure out what it is and treat it.
Lainey is best described as tired , fatigued mentally and physically and scared. She is scared that she won't have the strength to keep fighting. But i remind her that she has survived bad prognosis twice in 15 months, emergency surgery and 2 rounds of chemo , not to mention the trips to the e.r. for various side effects and scares. She is a rock and i'd be happy if i had half her courage and dignity under duress. She has handled it so well she appears almost normal to a lot of the friends, because like many brave women she suffers in silence, not letting on how bad she feels. Please pray for her and don't forget her, her battle is a long one and extremely draining. The last thing i want her to do is give up.
So we soldier on, taking each day at a time, sometimes enjoying a good hour here or there, but life will never be "normal" for us again. We mourn the loss of "normal" and cling to the mutual love and devotion we have for each other.
I struggle on , i won't divulge my feelings but you can imagine what it's like i'm sure. Well thanks for those who bugged me to update, thanks for the sisters who call and e-mail, take care and cherish those you love, Keith.

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