Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday night update

Dear friends, Lainey had a rough weekend but she is marginally better today. We are pinning a lot of hope on the Salicinium and Poly Mva products that she is receiving. After 3 weeks of infusions she will take both products everyday for the rest of her life.Some people have had great success with them especially in conjunction with regular chemo, we live and hope. The stuff is crazy expensive though , i think the oral pills and liquid are going to run over a thousand dollars a month ! But we place a value on things and my Lainey is priceless to me , so as long as i can pay for it she'll get whatever she needs.
This system is insane, you don't know till it happens to you. Already in the past year and a half the insurance has paid over a million dollars in covered medical bills for Lainey, so my advice to anyone is ,if you don't have insurance get it and fast, i would put having health insurance ahead of owning a house, without insurance i would be wiped out and then what good would my house be to me then . The Bible was written a long time ago , so where we are counselled to be content with "sustenance and covering" if that were written now it would say "sustenance, health insurance and covering" !!!!
Friends if you are in good health never take it for granted, if you are ill our hearts go out to you.
Here goes a huge kiss to the Cueto's,Sister Glei, Sister Jenkins,and any other friends who are suffering, soon pain
and suffering and tears will be no more, i'll be 5ft 6"(which is the perfect height) and Lainey and i will have 30 kids!!!! ( My version of Revelation 21:3,4) :-)
Well stay happy and show love at every opportunity, and remember this life is not all there is, so don't get caught up in this decaying world, draw close to Jehovah and live!

Love you all Keith

P.s love to Debbie Zimmerman, heard you are under the weather too, hope you are well soon, lots of love to the Ron man :-)


Unknown said...

Hi Keith and Elaine, I'm so glad you found lodging at a friend's house and are even receiving hospitality (food) from local friends while putting up a fine fight for the life that is needed to put up a fine fight for the faith - right? I hope you are able to take some time to enjoy a walk through the woods, all bundled up, maybe with a borrowed dog to join you and again feel the strong "grounding" connection to Jehovah's dynamic energy and use it for healing. Want to read a good, short (100 page) book on Healing Trauma by Peter A. Levine? It costs 14.95 at Barnes and Noble and has a good, one-hour CD with healing exercises. It was just released this year, I got it last week, read, last night and today and highly encourage you to consider getting it. I think you can play the new CD on your fancy new laptop. Miss you, send you hugs and warm thoughts and prayers. - Love, Betty

Zimmerwoman said...

thanks for your kind consideration of my health. I am down and out with some kind of infection, persistent fever and cough as well. The Doc. has me on meds and wants me to stay in bed for 10 days!!!! Can you believe that??? I can't stay in bed that long, we have CO visit and I have just started bible studies.
I have to say, every time I start to get a bit whinny and ask "why me"? I then think of you and Elaine and what the months, years must have been like.
Ok, my right hand is in the air and I do solemnly swear to not complain, whine, or feel sorry for myself over issues which can be resolved. Life is great, in spite of these small temporary set backs.
you can email me at:

Love you too!!