Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sunday morning blues

Dear friends it's Sunday morning and Lainey is very down. I'm trying to get her not to give up. I asked her if she thinks it's over , she said yes, , that she's just waiting for more bad news to come.
Thank you Eija for the encouraging words, i read them to Lainey and she perked up a little. It's true isn't it, dogs never give up, if only we could be more like them, and as they say 'if only i could be the man my dog thinks i am" !!!
Our dog Twizzle who died a couple of years ago had a seizure, she was paralised on one side of her body by the time she got to the vets, she was still licking my hand and wagging her tail as they put her to sleep. Oh the spirit, half our problems are what we do with stuff we know in our heads.
So pray that i can find the inspiration to pick my up and get her ready to fight on, she doesn't need pity she needs encouragement and cheerleading. We will prevail if we do not give up !
Well that's it for this morning, Eija ( a dear friend in Colorado ) needs daily updates so there you go Eija , love you all Keith.

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