Saturday, December 20, 2008

Saturday am blues

Dear friends, Lainey is resting at home trying to build her strength to resume chemo.
She is on oxygen 24/7 and feels like she is sliding backwards. If you can call me and come and visit her and please encourage her not to give up the fight. She needs encouragement that she can fight back and keep living for years not weeks or months. If there is any advice/help you can give me to be an inspiration for her please do. I am understandably tired and beaten up but i need to be her beacon of light and laughter, so please help me/us to get our momo back. Love to all Keith.

p.s. thank you Debra for the beautiful card from Paris and Karen for the package from England and Nona for you kind words and gift card from Washington. Thank you Jathan for the letter which i will treasure the rest of my life.We are being touched by beautiful people all over the world,some of whom we've never met, we love you all Keith.

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