Saturday, December 27, 2008

Saturday night slight improvement

Dear friends forgive me for not updating but we have had several days from hell. Lainey spent all day and night Thursday and Friday dry heaving over the bathroom sink. She has not been able to eat hardly anything. She is tired, weak and very nauseated. That's the readers digest version, we did not sleep at all Wednesday or Thursday nights. Last night (Friday ) she was given some meds to sleep and it knocked her out. Today she was marginally better, couldn't get up till 5 pm and then only to lay on sofa and watch a movie with me.
So many friends called and or stopped by today, sorry i couldn't let you in , but Lainey simply did not have the strength to see people and i have to yield first to her needs.
Thank you Robert and Theresa for your love and support and encouragement.
Thank you Charlie ans Sheryl and Konrad and Grace for stopping by. Thank you Christina and Jeremy for trying to see Lainey. Thank you Marika, Carmen , Anita,Dad, Renee, Debbie,Ray, Kevin, for the kind calls. Thank you Boonie ( Danielle) ever faithful to your Lainey friend.
Combined you all made the day more bearable.
I hope Lainey sleeps tonight and wakes feeling a little stronger and able to eat tomorrow.
I/we need your encouragement to strengthen us to face the trials ahead, i need your help to take care of Lainey and keep my mind intact, so thank you all for your love, understanding and compassion. Take care , good night, Keith.

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