Saturday, December 6, 2008

Saturday and we are a third of the way through

Dear friends,
It’s Saturday morning and it’s been quite a week. Lainey was in such a bad way when we arrived on Monday. As you can imagine going to a cancer clinic where pretty much everyone around you is stage 4 is quite depressing. We go to an infusion suite where about 8 patients are hooked up. The whole scene is awful and one I hope you never have to witness. Everyone is very courageous, but there is an underlying fear /sadness in everyone’s eyes. Oh my how we need the kingdom to do away with sickness and .
For those of us in relatively good health we soldier on somewhat oblivious of the pain and suffering that’s going on in the world. Stats say that 50% of men an 33% of women will get cancer in the USA. That’s just plain terrifying. I know my vision is colored by all the sickness I’ve witnessed in the past year and a half, but this life is so sad, there is something better, and the only hope for mankind for true long lasting health and happiness is God’s kingdom.How I/we could ever take this gift for granted and get caught up in this system astounds me. I guess we all live with the “it’ll never happen to me “syndrome. So friends, stick close to the truth and preach the good news to the sad and desperate people of this system, we all need it so badly.

Lainey had a bad day yesterday (Friday), we were battling with keeping her temperature down. I hope she wakes feeling better this morning, I’m desperate to see some relief. I said to her last night , “what do you want me to pray for” she said “relief”.Just a small improvement would be a relief. I also pray everyday for faith, courage, endurance, power, strength, wisdom and love.

Well this weekend will be what it will be, hopefully a little better for Lainey before she as to go back again Monday. Have no doubt dear friends, how seriously ill your little sister is. Imagine the mental anguish she goes through everyday, and as I know you do please pray for her and me too to endure till the end, whether that’s the end of life in this system, or the end of this system , we all need Gods power to survive.

Love you all stay strong and manifest love, the identifying mark of true Christians.


Zimmerwoman said...

Thank you so much for keeping us all posted on Elaine's progress. Please know our love, positive thoughts and prayers continue to be both of you. It's good to have reminders to never take for granted all the good things in life Jehovah provides for us. Let's keep that glass half full!!!

Love you both,
Ron and Debbie

Marika said...

And they say "old age isn't for sissies," well neither is a serious illness! But Elaine keeps pushing hard and we're totally with her in this. She's a strong willed person and determined and that's definitely what's needed. Thanks for all the important reminders to cherish what we have and to remember to pray in thanks and to keep our loved ones in mind when making requests of our dear heavenly father, Jehovah, asking for his help. Keep up the fight, my dear, and remember that we're fighting with you! Love, Marika